Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cake Batter Rice Krispies Treats

Here I am again. It seems like it was all too soon that I had a picture of a box cake mix in my picture for SWEET TOOTH TUESDAY!! Today's excuse for an easy peasy treat is that life has been overtaken by work. This was a Sunday evening venture after spotting this snack on Pinterest. I realize that most of you have probably seen this pin whilst cruising through your favorite site....but for those of you who aren't seasoned pinners I thought I'd share it just for the sake of it's cuteness. I found the recipe here. I mean seriously, how can this picture not suck you in....

I saw the picture. I had to make them. "What a fun snack for kiddos!" I thought.

There's that darned box cake mix again


*3 Tbsp. butter
*1 (10 oz.) bag of mini-marshmallows
*1/4 cup yellow cake mix (the dry cake mix, not prepared into a batter!)
*6 cups crispy rice cereal
*1 (1.75 oz.) container of sprinkles


1) Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat and add marshmallows. Stir until they begin to melt, adding in (dry) cake mix one spoonful at a time so its combined.

2) Stir in cereal so it is completely coated with marshmallow mixture. Sprinkle in half of the sprinkles and mix.

3) Press into a baking dish (any size will do) and top with remaining sprinkles. Let sit for about 30 minutes before cutting.

Funny story (I use the term funny very lightly....it doesn't take much to make me laugh). I realized that the only sprinkles I had in the cabinet were the tiny round multi-colored dots. I wanted to have a few different colors and shapes so I sent the hubs out on a sprinkle run to the store. Pretty sure that will be the only sprinkle run he ever does. The grocery store challenged man returned with a container of funfetti frosting with a tiny amount of sprinkles on top of the lid. I laughed, snorted and cried real tears after he handed it to me so proudly. I made due as you'll see. Ok, he wasn't the only one who made a boo boo. It's confession time. I have never made Rice Krispies treats. Sad, I know. With that being sad, leave it to me to ruin one of the absolute easiest things to make. We munched on some when they were still warm and gooey. YUM! PERFECT! But after an hour they were like cutting into a rock. Don't ask me how I screwed up a no-brainer! Despite my mess up (whatever the cause may have been) they were delish before they turned into jaw breakers! This must be why I never have any volunteers when I ask for taste testers on Tuesdays. I don't blame you. Hey, I'll keep practicing. Oh yeah, one more thing....ENJOY!!!

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