Saturday, November 12, 2011

INSANITY 60 Day Challenge

Talk about needing motivation!! Committing myself to the INSANITY 60 Day Challenge has forced me to do some deep digging into my mind to convince myself that I can stick to this. Like I've mentioned before, I was introduced to these workouts at Wednesday night devotional group. I've been doing it once a week for the past couple months. I may be crazy but I swear that I could see a difference just getting my extreme cardio on once a week. Crazy, huh? So if once a week can make a difference (along with running and other exercise of course), then what would six days a week do?!? My challenge arrived on our doorstep a week ago and I began on Tuesday. There is a specific calendar to follow which I semi-plan on doing. Sunday is a rest day when I plan on just walking. The workouts are INSANE....but do-able! The feeling when you get done with each workout is totally worth every drop of sweat. Sean T is my new boss and tells me what to do.....

"Hey y'all. I'm about to make you wish you had never purchased this workout."

Although he pushes you to your absolute limit I must say he is much less annoying than most instructors on exercise videos. Don't even get me started on Maury Windsor on the Pilates videos!!!! Makes me want to scream and reach through the tv and wipe the smile off her face.

I should've seen this coming but I seem to always forget. The harder the workout, the greater the appetite. Sean T tells me at the end of each workout "make sure you eat and drink something." Ok, how bout some pizza and a cupcake? A diet Dr Pepper sounds good too. I have found myself thinking about food constantly. Bad food. Take this afternoon treat for example......

I haven't craved ice cream in months!! Some strange force drove my car toward Sonic and ordered it. I swear!!! I'm not going to do any "before" pictures but if I can stick with this challenge I'll post some "after" pictures. I may need to extend it out to a 90 Day Challenge since we will be doing our big move to the new house soon. I have a feeling that it might trump my workouts for a couple weeks or so. Lifting furniture, ripping out carpet, painting and unpacking will have to do Sean T.

If you want to join me in the INSANITY here's where you can find it.....



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