Monday, January 30, 2012

Building my Bucket List

Like most busy moms I've found that I'm really great at dreaming up plans in my head that never come to fruition. Partly because it's impossible to be a parent and fulfill all of these dreams and plans while still caring for a child....and partly because we are terrified of taking time off of work and leaving everything behind for some relaxation. This is sad to me. I truly believe that Riley and I are the exact same person when it comes to work. Missing work just seems almost like a crime and for the life of me I can't figure out this mindset. I spend many a night sitting on the couch perusing Expedia and putting in specific dates and planning vacations. Vacations that seem so wonderful and reasonable. We always say how great we are at planning vacations.....just never actually taking them. This always gets me to thinking....I jump up on my soapbox and the hubby runs and hides. Why are we paralyzed when it comes to doing new things, traveling and just plain having fun??? I don't know the answer to this but I'm constantly in search of it......

.....which brings me to this post. If I put half as much energy into adventurous endeavors as I do blogging we'd be crossing things the list left and right. "The list" is something that only exists in my head. Little by little I mentally make note of things to add to it. It hasn't grown a lot but I'm working on it. Oh, you better believe I'm working on it. Ya see, I did very little traveling while growing up. There is so much I want to many things I want to many opportunities out there. I'm not sure how many times I've dropped hints to the hubs about desperately wanting to stay in one of those over-water huts in Bora Bora....or my strange obsession with hanging out in a pub in Ireland and listening to an Irish band like the one in the movie "P.S. I Love You".....or my overwhelming desire to take a long run in Central Park and eat lunch on the grass and read a book. These are things I can vividly picture in my head.....and I would love to actually capture them through photos someday.... I'm gonna make an official list. Little by little. Week by week. And I'm gonna share it for the world (or at least my Pink Dishers) to see. Because what are dreams if they aren't shared? Just thoughts in my busy head. Without further ado, in no particular order, no rhyme or reason, some of little and some of great significance, some that are just plain selfish and some that are silly...... is my bucket list.

#1 Go on a 10 year anniversary trip to Tahiti and Bora Bora

#2 Conquer my fear of public speaking

#3 Complete the Marine Corp Marathon in D.C. with my other half by my side

#4 Sit in the audience at SNL (preferably when Justin Timberlake is hosting but I won't be too picky)

#5 Take a family camping trip to Yellowstone

#6 Have six pack abs even if it's just for a moment in time (I better hurry up if this is going to ever happen)

#7 Understand the rules of tennis

#8 Be referred to someday as "a good cook"

#9 Start a book club

#10 See Garth Brooks in concert

That was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I almost feel a sense of nervousness sharing my list. I kinda feel naked right now. Eh, I'll get over it....give it a couple more weeks. I'm gonna slowly and methodically work my way towards #100. Building a bucket list is mentally exhausting...I think I'll go grab a bowl of the dessert I made yesterday. On second that that won't get me anywhere close to #6. And it sure won't get me in a swimsuit for #1. See that, the list is already working. ;)

Do you have a bucket list? Have you written it down? Let me know.....I'm curious to see how many people out there have an official list!


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