Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Recipe Night: Southwest Chicken and Rice Casserole

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I. Love. Black. Beans. 

So this was a very simple decision once I spotted this southwestern style casserole. Black beans? Check. 

I. Also. Love. Cilantro. 

Cilantro? Check. 

Last night I had a hankering for chicken and rice casserole of any kind. Well, actually I would've loved to make my mom's chicken, rice and cheese casserole recipe....but until God creates a phone up to heaven I would only be guessing about the recipe and it just wouldn't measure up to her's. Google was second best and served me well. My foodie friends, I now present to you this easy peasy spicy recipe marking my return to the world of ovens, shopping lists and actual food that isn't handed to me in a bag through a drive-thru window. "Ahhhhhhh." I think I just heard my body sigh and say a quiet "thank you."


*2 cups cooked rice
*2 cups diced cooked chicken
*1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
*1 can Mexican-style corn, drained
*1 can diced tomatoes, slightly drained
*1 tsp fresh chopped cilantro
*1 tsp ground cumin
*1/2 tsp garlic powder
*1/2 tsp dried leaf oregano
*1 Tbsp chili powder
*1/4 to 1/2 tsp red pepper or chipotle pepper
*4 Tbsp butter
*4 Tbsp flour
*1 cup milk
*1/2 cup chicken broth
*1/4 tsp black pepper
*1/2 tsp salt
*1/2 to 1 cup cheddar or monterey jack cheese

Ah, it felt nice to made a purposeful trip to the store again....FINALLY!!! After a summer of purchasing fruit, hamburgers, lunch meat and bread I was in heaven hunting down my ingredient list to make an ACTUAL MEAL!!!


1) In a large bowl combine rice, chicken, beans, tomatoes, corn, cilantro, cumen, garlic powder, oregano, chili powder and red pepper. Stir to blend.

2) In a saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat; stir in flour until well-blended and bubbly. Gradually stir in milk, chicken broth, salt and pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly. Stir into the rice and chicken mixture.

2.5) Keep the cutting board with chicken out of reach of your dog's tongue. FYI: this chicken was given to begging (and very persistent) dog shown below.....

3) Pour into a 2 quart casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese during last 5 minutes of cooking. If desired, serve with a dollop of sour cream or chopped green onion.



I served this casserole with a few tortilla chips and some guacamole on the side. Adjust the spicy-ness as you please! I wish I would've kicked it up even more with another dash of extra red pepper. t was a hit. I caught hubby digging into the dish before it could even cool down. Smiley-faced wife right here!!!! I love nothing more than discovering something new that he enjoys. Something else he enjoys???? The funny fella has a great time imitating me and giggling as I take pictures after the food comes out of the oven. I was preparing baby girl's dinner plate and turned around to find him taking pictures of leftover chicken pieces and serving spoons with my camera. He likes to make fun....I like to watch him make fun. It works out well. Laugh if you will, husband of mine....but your belly will thank me later!

Oh yeah, one more thing....ENJOY!!!

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