Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September Rolled Around

Oh, hi there. It is I, the queen of takeout.

So what on earth have I been doing since the day I made that last batch of delectable brownies several months ago???

I can tell you that cooking and baking are not answers to that question.

I'd like to say "being lazy and taking some time away from blogging for the summer".... but that would be a lie. The blog had become a chore and if I'm being honest it was making me fat. Ok, maybe it was the fact that I couldn't stop shoving my face with food.....but either way....the fat was happening. And my sister's wedding was rapidly approaching. Bridesmaid dress was staring at me. My brilliant idea to stop dishing out the food via blog backfired on me. So if I wasn't using my oven, what the heck have I been doing? Well, let's see here.....I've been continuing my family blog, raising a two-year-old, watching my baby sister get married and planning a wedding shower and bachelorette party, taking family trips, training for (sort of) and running a half-marathon, squeezing in an anniversary getaway, sprucing up the house for spring and summer, working full time....I think I'll stop right there. If I keep listing things I'll probably talk myself out of starting this bad boy up again.

But it's time. It's been a year since I kicked off this fun little blog last September so I thought what better time than to fire it back up again. I'm feeling that "fall itch". Warm food, cool-ish (ok, maybe still hotter than the sun) weather, leaves starting to fall. Alright, maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit. Maybe these 100+ degree temps simply leave me dreaming about hoodies, sweatpants and hot chocolate....and food. Comfort food. And sweets. Of course sweets. Duh. Fall is in fact upon is....sooner than later we will stop sticking to our car seats, cranking our ACs up full blast and staying inside to avoid heat exhaustion. Hello, earth to the sun.....it's September. Lay off the heat, would ya?!?!

Weather rant complete. Back to food. And other crafty fun things of course. Because The Pink Dish isn't just about food. It's about whatever is on the top of my head. 

The Pink Dish is BACK!!!!!

Stay tuned for my first delicious recipe (Southwest Chicken and Rice casserole) post coming tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy its back!!! Maybe you can motivate me a bit to cook or be crafty :)
