Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Way Back Wednesday

WAY BACK WHEN.........

It was just the two of us.

It seems like a decade least. Oh the days of being spontaneous, going out to eat whenever we pleased, me dragging him to the movies, having Sunday movie day on the couch, concerts, trips.....the list goes on. Our "dates" now consist of having lunch together on occasion and sitting in church while baby girl is in the nursery. We joke every week about going on our "church date".

I don't think I would be normal if I said that I didn't miss those "care-free" days every now and then. Don't get me wrong...I can barely stand to spend a Sunday morning in church away from my baby girl so I wouldn't trade this life for anything....but I sure do miss our "us" time.....

I'll just be completely 100% honest. I give about 99.99% of my attention to my daughter. The other .01 is split up between combing my hair in the morning and saying goodnight to my dear hubby.

So if you do the math correctly it appears that my other half has taken a drastic cut in the time allotted department. Between his never ending responsibilites at work, reffing football games on Tuesdays, Wednesday night church group, weekend trips to visit family, working out, Saturday mornings at the hospital to finish work from the previous week, blogging (yes, I said it. I realize I'm an addict), it's hard to make time to be "us"...

So I'm sure you see where I'm going with this with my blog being a self-improvement crusade and all. Yes, I'm crusading to spend more time with my husband. Time that doesn't involve scrubbing high chairs, doing dishes, sopping up juice spills, feeding dogs, working, changing diapers, giving baths, blogging (ouch), or anything else that fills up the day.

My new personal goal: at least one date night each week.

An hour to be "husband and wife"

Sounds easy enough.

Eh, not so much.

We've attempted it before.

But we're going to try it again.

I'll keep you posted.




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