Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Baaaaaaaaaaaack!!

Pull out your aprons and your mixers.....because The Pink Dish is back!

When I started this blog four months ago I really didn't know what to expect. Like I mentioned, one of the goals was to learn how to cook and learn to love it. Well, I can check that off the list. But I also wanted to create healthy eating habits for my family by being able to cook meals more nights than not during a busy work week. It's true that not all of the recipes I post are what you'd call healthy, but I do think that cooking in the kitchen is a lot better than my frequent urges to pick up a pizza or some tacos. This, my friends, is what we have been fueling up with over the past month. If you're like me then this thought has crossed your mind a time or two: "why can't I be a millionare like the Hollywood celebrities who have a trainer for two hours everyday with childcare while they work out and delicious, nurtitious meals delivered right to their doorstep?" Pssssh! Moving and holidays have taken a toll on our bellies and our bodies....four added pounds later for me and a husband who let it be known that he feels "fat and old." It's time to get back in the kitchen and out of the fast food lane. Besides making a batch of no bake cookies and a bowl of spaghetti, I haven't touched any kind of cooking utensil since mid-December. I'm in the process of rounding up some yummy recipes for January. Of course I love a good theme and this month's theme is going to be "healthy eating." Even Sweet Tooth Tuesdays is getting a healthy slap in the face. Healthy eating January better take this extra holiday pudge with it when it's over with. Stay tuned...tomorrow will be a busy day in the kitchen! Thanks for reading! If you know of any good healthy recipes you'd like to share don't be shy....DISH is out!!

Oh my husband, what a wise, wise man who repeats this all the time........"One should eat to live, not live to eat" -Benjamin Franklin.....if only I could even begin to buy into this statement. ;)


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