Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's up with that?

Ok, first let's get past the fact that I look like a man in this picture. K? Are we past it yet?

Alright. So onto the next most obvious problem with this picture.....


One of my favorite things to tell my husband is "you get what you pay for." I guess you could say he is the more thrifty of the two of us. I constantly find myself trying to convince him that this statement has some truth to it. I'm not so sure anymore though. My two month old pair of Fossil sunglasses has decided to give up on me despite my consistent effort to protect them, not sit on them, keep them away from the dog and not let Hallie use them as a teething toy. I mention all of those things above because all of that is what happened to my last pair. The same exact pair. They met a terrible death one day when my dog finally put them out of their misery by chewing them up nice and good. Grrrrrr. I had gotten attached to them so I got this replacement pair very soon after that fatal day. I've been spoiling this pair and treating them right. And how do they go and repay me??? Anybody have any sunny suggestions for me?? I need a new pair yet again!

Lesson learned: don't buy Fossil. They are neither dog proof nor life proof.


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