Thursday, September 22, 2011

Steppin' Out

I'm taking another leap into the blogiverse and embedding myself even deeper into this world that consumes what seems like a large chunk of my time. But am I excited? Heck yes I am! For those that may not know, this is my second blog. My first blog and the nearest and dearest to my heart is this one right here: So you are probably asking yourself "what is The Pink Dish?" and why is she creating another wordy website? Is this is a cooking website? Um, that's a big fat negative. Well, I lie a little. I may actually be doing a little baking but that is not my complete intention for this blog. Take the name however you wish. ;) I'll put it this is going to be an expression of me. Things that I want, desire, strive for. Things that I like, love and could live without. There are so many things that I want to write about that don't really fit well with the theme of my family blog so I've been brainstorming lately about a spinoff blog if you will. Another big motivating factor behind my new outlet is this....I want to be a better person. I'm not saying I want to be like Mother Teresa. But doesn't everybody strive to be a little better at life whether it be in the kitchen, at work, in your marraige or as a parent. Motivation is something I find very little of on most days. "How will this blog help with my endeavor?", you may ask. Well, it's simple. I will be forcing myself to cook, bake, be organized, exercise, etc. Of course at first it will be all for the blog's sake. But like any other habit that develops over time, I'm hoping that some of my schemes become routine. And the best part will get to read about all of my successes, failures, kitchen tragedies and mishaps along the way. So I feel like I need to put my blog in a category. Ya know, there are sports blogs, fashion blogs, family blogs, etc. Hmmmm (stratching my head).....we will call mine a self help blog. In short, I'll be helping myself and trying to inspire others in the process. Ta da!!!!!

What can you expect on here? Let's see........

*How to say "I love you"
*Exercise of the week
*Treat your sweet tooth Tuesdays
*"What the heck is _____?"
*New recipe night!
*Way Back Wednesday
*Top Ten Lists
*What's up with that?
*Random Ramblings
.......and the list goes on.

Just a warning on the whole cooking business: I AM NOT A GOOD COOK. Heck, I'm not even a bad cook. What's worse than bad? Because that's what I am when you combine me and kitchen. Like this evening for example....this was my conversation I had with my husband: "Babe, would you rather me make dinner or pick up some pizza?" Can you guess his answer???


A huge and enthusiastic "THANK YOU" to Dreamlikemagic for being a super big help and creating this spunky blog design and helping, or should I say, installing it for me. Until the next dish.....

Thanks to all of my future readers/subscribers/blog friends!



Cari said...

Yeah! I'll go down in history as your first comment! I love the blog already. You are a fabulous writer and I can't wait to read more and follow your "journey" to motivation. You may want to try the 101 things in 1001 days...or was it 1001 things in 101 days... You can google it. Good luck!

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