Monday, November 7, 2011

Electronics for Dummies

Although I can usually be found with a phone in my hand and a computer on my lap each night, I would put myself in the dummy category when it comes to electronics. I keep it simple when it comes to anything techy. That's why I'm excited to share a couple new items that I have quickly fallen in love with and I'm beginning to wonder why I just now found out about them. I am posting these at the risk of looking like a behind-the-times fool but there may just be other tech dummies out there who are as surprised as I was to find such things.

#1: Laptop chill pad

So chill....

I had no earthly idea that such a device existed. Instead of using one I've been burning my lap and the skin on my thighs for months now. Not to mention raising my body temperature and arguing with Riley about whether it's hot in the house or not. To me it's always hot because this laptop is glued to my lap after 8:30 each night. I was browsing the electronic department at Walmart the other day and stumbled upon this fascinating device that I'm sure has been around since the stone age but has somehow escaped me. Ah ha!! No longer!  I snatched one of those puppies up and my lap has thanked me for it every night since then. ;)

#2: E-Touch gloves

Just your regular, everyday gloves?

Not at all!

Cool. Cool. Cool. These are too cool. Turns out they are actually to keep you cool while you are warm. What do I mean by this? Well you can stay cool by using your social media, texting and dialing on your phone while still wearing your gloves. Don't you hate it when you have to rip off one glove just to read a text or answer a call? Or the people at football games who have cut off the tip of the glove to expose their texting thumbs? No more my friends. These handy dandy gloves are everywhere these days apparently (or so I found out after doing a quick internet search). Like I said, I'm behind with the times. But for those of you still in Little House on the Prairie times with me, these gloves are the best invention since the snooze button. Mine are from Posh in Enid but I found many different brands after searching Amazon.

There you have it....I'm a dummy. And if you are too then maybe now you are a little less of a dummy. ;) But this goes both ways fellow dummies.....if you find something cool you must notify me immediately! ;)



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